Marywell Park - Project Details

Marywell Dashboard

Marywell Park

Property and Tenancy Management

Looking after more than 100 properties and making sure the tenants are happy and the rent is paid on time is no easy task. Marywell Park realised they needed some software that would let them run the business in the way that they wanted to run it rather than buying an off the shelf package that didnt really fit their needs.

Having looked into traditional Microsoft Windows-based software, they found that the development costs were going to be prohibitive. They also wanted to be able to log in to the system from anywhere and they were told this was going to add to the cost and complexity even more.

Luckily, they approached 4:30am and we suggested developing a windows-style application that runs in the browser. Because it is browser-based, the remote log-in functionality is there automatically!

Enter ExtJS

The feel of a windows application...but in a browser!

Using the amazing ExtJS framework, we developed their Property Management System at a fraction of the likely cost of traditional software.


The system allows the staff to process rent, electricity and gas payments, create new leases, create maintenance tickets and print receipts. It automatically generates rents due each calendar month and a handy dashboard feature displays business-critcal information like the most overdue rent payments and electricty meters that need to be read.

The system is hosted on 4:30am's servers and is accessible from anywhere using the latest security methods.


Marywell Park Admin